By maintaining a continuous flow of information from field operations—such as inspections, O&M, audits —and advanced technologies like sensor monitoring, LiDAR 3D imaging, and photogrammetry, we create an IT system that tracks, visualizes, and provides informed decisions in physical asset and infrastructure management.

We rely on data to understand the condition of equipment and infrastructure, enabling us to make informed decisions. We develop customised data collection plans and then ensure that data is seamlessly fed, stored, processed, visualized, analysed, and deleted.
We know how to leverage data to transform assets, transitioning from the physical to the digital age through up-to-date, 360° virtual design and IT services. We create those digital solutions that enhance existing operations and facilitate a transition to a sustainable future.
At Atom Group, we see physical asset management differently.
How? Instead of a one-dimensional technical approach, we manage infrastructure and equipment holistically in a new phygital era, where cutting-edge technologies are integrated into operations to connect the physical and digital worlds.
Why? Because we believe that for physical asset management to be sustainable and efficient in the future, it requires complete control from field to desk, all through to a unified management system.

As we enter the phygital era, it is vital for owners and managers of physical assets to adapt technology to meet the specific needs of each asset while maintaining awareness of their requirements. Bridging the physical and digital dimensions offers numerous advantages that significantly enhance the performance of physical assets. Management improves through advanced monitoring, preventive maintenance is ensured before damage and deterioration occur, and operating costs are reduced when guided by data on the physical condition of infrastructure and equipment.
Based on real-time information and with deep knowledge of each stage of a physical asset’s lifecycle, we create tailored solutions that address both its immediate and long-term requirements. Whether your organization needs an initial diagnosis and creation of a basic Asset Registry to multi-faceted Digital Twins, at Atom Group we have the tools to facilitate your own digital transformation and keep your assets permanently connected.

Stay updated with a range of news, insights, and technological developments addressing the key issues of today and tomorrow in physical asset management.